What the World Would Be Like If Air Conditioning Repair Didn’t Exist

What the World Would Be Like If Air Conditioning Repair Didn’t Exist

What the World Would Be Like If Air Conditioning Repair Didn’t Exist

Hint: It’d Be HOT
Air Conditioning Components Most Likely to Break Down this Summer And Make You Hot, Tired and Cranky

Jerry’s Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning
12 July 2018

Summer’s here and that means getting ready for a lot of things – cookouts, ball games, and hot weather. Record high temperatures mean using your air conditioning more than ever. If it’s not working, you may be calling someone for air conditioning repair faster than a toupee in a hurricane. But first you should know what the compressor is and what it does.

Air conditioning systems may seem complex – and they are! In this series, we’re going to talk about the five main components: the compressor, fan, condenser coil, evaporator coil, and the refrigerant. If you want to avoid AC failure, you need to know how these components interact and how to guarantee a functioning system.

In the fourth and final installment of the series, we’ll review the most important aspect of air conditioning repair: the compressor, the heart of your AC system. We’ll tell you about the two features you need to ask for when getting a new compressor.


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air conditioning repair - Hot, Tired and Cranky

Fix My Compressor – The Heart of Your AC System

The compressor resides in the middle of the cooling process between the condensing and evaporating coils. Ideally, it takes the evaporated refrigerant from the evaporator coil and “compresses” it so that it can more easily give up that heat in the condenser coil.

Modern AC compressors use what’s known as a “scroll” compressor. It works in a circular motion to compress the refrigerant instead of an up-and-down, or reciprocating piston used in older, less efficient systems. Scroll compressors tend to be more reliable and efficient than reciprocating types. They have fewer moving parts than reciprocating compressors. This results in a smoother and quieter operation.

air conditioning repair - Old AC Unit
This AC Unit is Ready to be Replaced
air conditioning repair - Payne AC Unit
Payne AC Unit
air conditioning repair - Carrier AC Unit
Carrier AC Unit

“Scroll compressors tend to be more reliable and efficient than reciprocating types”

Air Conditioning Repair – Two is Better Than One

Another feature to look for in AC compressors is two-stage operation. Single-stage compressors found in older cooling systems operate at only one speed. Two-stage compressors, as their implies, operate at two different speeds. This more closely matches the exact cooling needs of the home.

The two-stage compressor runs at a lower speed to remove excess humidity from the air when cooling demands are low. As the temperature rises, however, it can switch to its full capacity to keep you cool. Thus, two-stage systems operate more efficiently than single-stage systems, saving you money.

air conditioning repair - Carrier


air conditioning repair - Payne


As in many devices, the component that has the most moving parts, is subjected to heat and is cycled on and off frequently, is the component that will very often fail first. In your AC system, that component is the compressor.

When you decide to begin air conditioning repair, have your compressor checked-out by a licensed professional to see if it’s working as well as it should. He’ll be able to guide you in the right direction for repair or replacement to keep you cool this summer.


We’ve discussed the compressor – the “heart” of your AC system – in this article. Here are two important features to look for when replacing your old, inefficient, money-wasting compressor:

  1. Make sure you select a unit that uses a “scroll” compressor – it’s quieter and saves money.
  2. Get a two-stage compressor – it’s more efficient.

Replacing your AC system very often costs over $10,000 – so be sure to choose the right pro, the right equipment and the right thermostat.

The licensed technicians at Jerry’s Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning are available to deliver quick and friendly service. Call Us Today!

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Forgotten Heroes of Air Conditioning Service

Forgotten Heroes of Air Conditioning Service

Forgotten Heroes of Air Conditioning Service

Coils and Fans – They’re Important, too
Air Conditioning Components Most Likely to Break Down this Summer And Make You Hot, Tired and Cranky

Jerry’s Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning
9 July 2018

Staying cool in the summer heat means making sure every part of your AC system is working properly.  While some components seem more important, all parts need to work together to keep you cool. Your air conditioning service must include a review of the often overlooked parts that work in the background – until the fail.

Air conditioning systems may seem complex – and they are! In this series, we’re going to talk about the five main components: the compressor, fan, condenser coil, evaporator coil, and the refrigerant. If you want to avoid AC failure, you need to know how these components interact and how to guarantee a functioning system.

In part three of the series, we’re reviewing the fan, the condenser coil and the evaporation coil. These parts are simple and don’t cause problems – until they do.

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Air Conditioning Service - Oriental fan

Air Conditioning Service – Keep the Air Moving

Your AC system has a fan. No, not like that one. Like this one.

But both types of fans move air and moving air is vitally important to keeping you cool this summer.

Air Conditioning Service - Carrier fan

Yeah, that’s more like it!

The fan moves air through you air condition system. We probably don’t need to explain much about how a fan works. They’re pretty simple and usually last for the life of your system. Even if they do fail, replacement is pretty easy for a pro.

Air Conditioning Service for your fan is easy, really. Just keep leaves and other debris away from it. And there’s no need to cover the AC unit, ever – even in winter. If fact, covering the unit may attract rodents that will build nests under there. A cover can also cause mold and mildew to build-up.

The truth is, your AC unit is built to withstand both hot summers and harsh winters – right out of box! No cover needed.

“Covering the unit may attract rodents that will build nests under there. A cover can also cause mold and mildew to build-up”

Air Conditioning Service - Condenser Coil
Condenser Coil
Air Conditioning Service - Evaporator Coil
Evaporator Coil

All About Heat Exchange

The next two components are pretty simple as well. The condenser coil and evaporator coil are essentially long finned tubes that act as heat exchangers. The condenser coil sits outside while the evaporator coil is located inside your home.

When cooled liquid refrigerant flows through the evaporator coil, hot air from inside “evaporates” that refrigerant, turning it into a vapor. It’s just like when liquid sweat evaporates on your skin and makes you cooler. The heat from you home has now “transferred” to the evaporated refrigerant.

On the other end of the cooling cycle, the fan blows relatively cooler outside air across the condenser coil transferring heat from the compressed refrigerant to the outside air. Because heat is lost from the refrigerant, it “condenses” back into a liquid.

Air Conditioning Service - Carrier


Air Conditioning Service - Payne


In this article, we’ve discussed the three parts of your AC system that often get overlooked – the fan , the condenser coil and the evaporator coil. They’re all pretty simple and usually don’t cause many problems. But looking over each of these components must be part of normal air conditioning service.

In the next and final article in this series, we’ll review the compressor, the heart of your AC system. And we’ll tell you about the two features you need to ask for when getting a new compressor.

The licensed technicians at Jerry’s Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning are available to deliver quick and friendly service. Call Us Today!

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The Secret About Air Conditioner Maintenance

The Secret About Air Conditioner Maintenance

The Secret About Air Conditioner Maintenance

That’ll Keep You Up at Night
Air Conditioning Components Most Likely to Break Down this Summer And Make You Hot, Tired and Cranky

Jerry’s Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning
4 July 2018
When it gets hot, it’s vitally important to focus your air conditioner maintenance on the single most frequent cause of AC failure. Refrigerant – the life-blood of your system – is often the culprit when AC systems fail.
Air conditioning systems may seem complex – and they are! In this series, we’re going to talk about the five main components: the compressor, fan, condenser coil, evaporator coil, and the refrigerant. If you want to avoid AC failure, you need to know how these components interact and how to guarantee a functioning system.

In part two of the series, we discuss the refrigerant, what it does and what you need to know to stay safe and in line with environmental regulations. Knowing the important facts of what refrigerant does can help make sure you’ll be cool all summer long.

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Air Conditioner Maintenance - Girl in the snow

Air Conditioner Maintenance Step #1 – Check for Leaks

The most common reason an air conditioning system fails is that the refrigerant has leaked out. You may know that evaporation is a cooling process. Think about how your body cools itself when it’s hot outside. When you perspire, your sweat “evaporates” and cools you down.

In an air conditioning system, refrigerant replaces sweat in this example. Evaporating refrigerant cools the hot air in your home. Without refrigerant, there’s no evaporation. No evaporation means no cooling, leaving you hot – perhaps in more than one way.

“If your AC unit is more than seven years old, you should consider an upgrade to one that uses R-410A”
Avoid AC Failure - Condenser Coil
Avoid AC Failure - Evaporator Coil

R-410A Refrigerant

Recently, refrigerant R22 (also known as Freon), used in older AC units, has begun to be phased-out in favor of more environmentally friendly R-410A, sold under the trademarked names Suva 410A, Forane 410A, and Puron. If your AC unit is more than seven years old, you should consider an upgrade to one that uses R-410A. Find out why you should upgrade your AC refrigerant here.

R-410A absorbs and releases more heat than R-22 so your newer air conditioning compressor runs cooler, reducing the likelihood of overheating, burnout and failure. And because R-410A functions at a higher pressure than R-22, new compressors need to be built stronger so they’re more durable and therefore last longer.

Efficient & Environmentally Friendly

Compressors made for R-410A use synthetic lubrication. R-22 compressors use mineral oil.  Synthetic oil is more soluble, lasts longer and maintains its operating viscosity under load. All that adds up to a system that operates more efficiently, reducing wear and tear on the compressor.

In addition, R-410A offers greater efficiency, saves money in energy costs, and is much better for the environment.

4 Reasons to Select R-410A Refrigerant

In this article, we discussed the first step in your air conditioner maintenance schedule, the refrigerant. More specifically, R-410A refrigerant, why it performs much better than its predecessor, R22, and why you should consider upgrading your compressor to one that uses R-410A. Here’s a recap of R-410A’s features:

  1. R-410A compressors run cooler.
  2. R-410A compressors operate more efficiently.
  3. R-410A compressors are more durable and last longer.
  4. R-410A saves money, and is better for the environment.
In the next article in this series, we’ll discuss the fan, the evaporation coil and the condenser coil, the forgotten heroes of air conditioner maintenance.

The licensed technicians at Jerry’s Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning are available to deliver quick and friendly service. Call Us Today!

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How to Avoid AC Failure

How to Avoid AC Failure

How to Avoid AC Failure

In 3 Easy Steps
Air Conditioning Components Most Likely to Break Down this Summer And Make You Hot, Tired and Cranky

Jerry’s Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning
28 June 2018

Summertime means high temperatures returning once again and if you want to avoid AC failure, it’s as easy as 1-2-3.

Air conditioning systems may seem complex – and they are! In this series, we’re going to talk about the five main components: the compressor, fan, condenser coil, evaporator coil, and the refrigerant. If you want to avoid AC failure, you need to know how these components interact and how to guarantee a functioning system.

In part one of the series, we discuss three things you should do to make sure your air conditioning system continues to run at its best. Make sure you have a trained pro look over your system. Make sure you only use top quality components. And make sure you use a modern thermostat to properly control everything.

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Avoid AC Failure - A Fine Line

Avoid AC Failure – Use a Pro

When it gets hot, everyone becomes an air conditioning expert. Beware of the guy who shows up at your door because he’s “working on your neighbor’s AC” and offers to “check out your system while he’s here?”

Have your current AC unit inspected by a licensed professional. They will be able to size-up your system quickly and tell you honestly whether your system is adequate or if it should be upgraded.

Before you let anyone into your house and especially before you hire anyone to work on your AC system, check out their credentials, experience and background. Ask them about the licenses required in your area. And check out online reviews.

Often there’s only a fine line between a real pro and someone that only appears to be professional. And that line can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing and haven’t properly prepared to walk on it.

” Before you hire anyone to work on your AC system, check out their credentials, experience and background. “

Avoid AC Failure - Old AC Unit
This AC Unit is Ready to be Replaced
Avoid AC Failure - Jerry Deason

Jerry Deason

Avoid AC Failure – Quality First

If you do need a system upgrade, be sure the new system is from a company known for quality. There are many “bargain” units out there that have a higher-than-average failure rate. Find out which units have the best ratings, choose one you like and have it installed.

Older units often show signs of diminished efficiency which may mean that it’s more economical to upgrade your system.

Here’s a list of signs that you might need a replacement cooling unit:

  • The cost of repairing your old unit is half of the cost of a new, more efficient one
  • Your old unit needs frequent repairs.
  • Humidity isn’t controlled properly, signaling operating issues
  • Your old system is out of warranty
  • Your old AC system is more than 10 years old
Look for a system with a SEER rating of 16 or higher, is built for durability and operates quietly (quieter than a common hair dryer).
Avoid AC Failure - Payne AC Unit
Payne AC Unit
Avoid AC Failure - Carrier AC Unit
Carrier AC Unit

Avoid AC Failure – Thermostat

Make sure your thermostat is the equal of your new AC Unit. Older thermostats don’t have the newest technology to help you save money when the AC is running.

New thermostats “learn” your cooling habits over time to save you money. Energy-saving features save an average of 15% on cooling bills.

Look for a thermostat that turns itself down when you leave, using your phone’s location to know when you’re away. And get one that can be controlled remotely from your phone, tablet or laptop so that you’re always in charge no matter where you are.

Avoid AC Failure - Hi-Tech Nest

Hi-Tech Nest

Avoid AC Failure - Nest at Home

Nest at Home

We’ve discussed the three steps you must consider to make sure you stay cool all summer long:

  1. Make sure you have a trained pro look over your system.
  2. Make sure you only use top quality components.
  3. Make sure you use a modern thermostat to properly control everything.

    In the next article in this series, we’ll discuss the life-blood of your AC system – the refrigerant. Recent changes have made even relatively new systems obsolete.

    The licensed technicians at Jerry’s Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning are available to deliver quick and friendly service. Call Us Today!

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    Jerrys Plumbing

    Jerry's Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning

    Call Us for All your Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning Needs

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    Air Conditioning System Check. The Time is Now.

    air conditioning tune-upThis article and video will describe why it’s so important to have an air conditioning system check NOW.

    It will also describe the types of air conditioning maintenance and system checks that are included in our air conditioning service.

    Please See Disclaimer on Bottom of this Post.

    Air Conditioning System Check: Why it’s Important!

    It’s the perfect time of year! We’ve been blessed with cool temperatures, but summer is quickly approaching. Most people don’t think about their air conditioner until something bad happens. In the worst case, it simply doesn’t start. Or, you hear the motor and fan running, but the unit is blowing warm air. You’re frustrated. You’re spending money for no return, and your family is uncomfortable and probably complaining.  Regardless of  the type of system break down, an air conditioning system check will get your system operating at peak proficiency. Not only does this ensure that your home is cooling properly, you are saving on you energy bills, and you have a happy family.

    Furthermore. it protects you from the huge burdensome costs of replacing your entire system. Don’t be fooled by all these recent cool days when you can simply open the windows, use some window fans, breathe fresh air and be blessed by low energy costs. There will be a time, soon, that you are going to need your air conditioner to pump in cool air and keep your family cool in the pending hot summer months.

    Please enjoy this short video! It will describe why an air conditioning system check is so important and cover the various services that will be performed to ensure that your cooling system is operation at peak proficiency.


    Air Conditioning System Check: Services Performed

    In our video, we explained all the detailed inspections and services our techs perform both inside and outside your home that are necessary to bring your air conditioning system to peak performance. These service checks are included in our air conditioning system check inspection. This is a basic preventative maintenance check-up and should be done every year. More importantly, it should be done now! …Before the outside Summer temperatures hit the high 90’s!

    Visit our Homepage, Take Advantage of our Current Coupon Offer

    and Call Us Today:  240-222-3205


    DISCLAIMER: Please accept our apologies! There’s been some confusion with a few people calling in to get their air conditioning systems checked at this time of year. Our video calls this service a Tune-Up and naturally our customers have certain expectations. We are working to edit this video. This reduced priced service and coupon is actually an Air Conditioning System Check. If there is any confusion, please call our office and we will be more than happy to explain the difference. We fully want to meet the expectations of all our customers in our continuing attempt to provide top-notch high quality service.


    Cooling Tower Refurbishment

    cooler tower refurbishmentThis is a timely article on cooling tower refurbishment. We wanted to share this article with our audience in business, government, health care, education and with commercial property owners and managers. It’s timely because this article represents a great overview of the cooling tower refurbishment job we are doing at the Great Mills High School.

    cooling-tower-refurbishment-coilsCooling tower refurbishment is highly effective preventive maintenance.

    Let’s face it, replacing a school’s cooling unit can be very expensive. It only makes good business sense to understand that there are more cost-effective alternatives. As this article points out, these large cooling units normally last for about 15-20 years. There are many factors that lead to corrosion and deterioration of these units; humidity, high winds, icing… to name a few. If these cooling units are left unattended, they can eventually collapse. But, there is good news! As the authors says, “Refurbishment or upgrades can bring a cooling tower’s components up to original factory specifications, extending the system’s lifespan for another 15 to 20 years.”  We highly recommend that you take a few minutes to read this article. It dives deep into the many functions performed in cooling tower refurbishment. Read why cooling tower refurbishment is a highly effective preventive maintenance alternative!


    A commercial cooling tower’s life expectancy is between 15 and 25 years, yet it is not always necessary to install a completely new system; old cooling towers can be refurbished or upgraded at a fraction of the cost. Refurbishment or upgrades can bring a cooling tower’s components up to original factory specifications, extending the system’s lifespan for another 15 to 20 years. Over time, the humid environment of a cooling tower naturally leads to the build-up of contaminants resulting in clogging of the heat transfer medium and corrosion of metallic components. This build-up diminishes the efficiency of the cooling system and in severe cases can result in the collapse of the cooling tower structure. Plastic components gradually deteriorate over the operating life of the cooling tower becoming brittle and are therefore easily damaged due to maintenance activities or exposure to high winds and icing during winter. Cooling tower refurbishment is achieved by cleaning the inside of the cooling tower and all metal parts, using sandblasting to remove corrosion. Once sandblasting is completed, an epoxy coating is applied to the metal, with a flexible epoxy stripping applied to the joints to allow flexibility and prevent leaking. Once […]

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