Water Well Testing
Getting Your Water Tested

periodically. This will insure that your water is clean and safe.
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Water Well Testing
If you have a water well, have the water quality tested periodically. This will insure that your water is clean and safe.
But before you test your well water, make sure the water well system is clean. If your well system is dirty, a test may indicate a false positive, that is, the appearance of contamination even when the groundwater is clean.
You may see evidence of a dirty well directly. Your water may be cloudy. It may taste bad or have odor problems. Even low water flow can indicate an unsanitary well.

Jerry's Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning doesn't provide this service, but it's very important. So please contact local service provider to make sure this service is up-to-date in your home.
Use a Qualified Water Well Testing Contractor
But there may also be problems you can’t see, smell or taste directly. Only a qualified water well systems contractor can determine if your water well system needs cleaning by conducting an anaerobic bacteria test, a positive coliform test, or other tests showing an accumulation of debris in the well.
One thing is certain, never attempt to clean a well by pouring bleach into your well. More often than not, doing so will only contaminate your water without actually addressing the problem.
Proper well cleaning removes debris from the well bottom and cleans every component of the well. Only then is your well ready to be fully disinfected. This is a job that can only be done by a qualified water well systems contractor.

Jerry's Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning doesn't provide this service, but it's very important. So please contact local service provider to make sure this service is up-to-date in your home.
When to Test Your Water
The National Ground Water Association recommends that well owners test the water annually for bacteria, nitrates/nitrites, and any contaminants of local concern. You should also test your water after any repairs to the well, the well cap or any new contamination source.
Have your water tested any time there is a change in the taste or smell of your water or if family members or house-guests have recurrent incidents of gastrointestinal illness.
Finally, test your water regularly if an infant is living in the home.
Once your well is clean and disinfected, have your water tested. This will give you a true picture of your water quality. And when you know your well is clean and your water is safe, you can sleep a little easier at night.
The licensed technicians at Jerry’s Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning are available to deliver quick and friendly service. Call Us Today!