Smart Sump Pump

Smart Sump Pump

Sump Pump

Handle Basement Flooding The Smart Way

Jerry’s Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning

If you’re like most homeowners, you’re not likely to have a smart sump pump in your basement yet. But you soon will. Because your smart sump pump could be a life-saver when the water level rises.

Your sump pump eliminates any water that creeps in during especially heavy rainfall. Perhaps you have a high water table and even reside in a flood basin so a sump pump is essential.

But here’s the problem – you do not think about your sump pump until it starts raining. Only then do you start to ponder. Will my basement flood? The sump pump will continue to work ok, am I right? How would I know if there is a problem?

Don’t be one of the numerous homeowners who learn their sump pump has a problem after it’s too late. A flooded basement leads to a home looking for repair, an immense cleanup project as well as perhaps thousands of dollars in a ruined or devastated home.

Read More: Think your Sump Pump Pit is Fail-Proof? Think Again

smart sump pump

Common Sump Pump Problems

Several issues can lead to sump pump failure. Switch failure is really a pretty universal problem.
The float arm sometimes gets jammed even though swinging type seems to fail more regularly compared to the linear up and down style.

The motor almost never goes bad but when the motor does fail, it’s often because the switch was locked on or the impeller has been jammed with grime. A failed electric motor will draw more amps which will eventually trip your circuit breaker. Preferably, the pump ought to be on a dedicated circuit.

But be cautious. The breaker was initially tripped for a purpose. Don’t simply reset it and hope that it’s okay. Check out the sump pump to be sure it’s operating correctly.

The best practice is to verify the sump pump at least one time a year to make sure that it is operating effectively, and that the input is free of debris.

Read More: A Check Valve – Did You Forget This Important Piece Of Your Dry Basement Solution?

smart sump pump

PumpSpy Smart Outlet

PumpSpy sends you detailed alerts so you can react before flooding can occur!

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The Smart Sump Pump

A smart sump pump is connected to the internet via your house’s Wi-fi. That enables threat alerts of potential flooding regardless of where you are.

WIFI sump pumps keep you informed of your pump condition as well as the water levels in the sump basin. In case a malfunction occurs with the pump or water rises above a predetermined degree, you’ll be notified immediately.

Read More: You Need a Backup Sump Pump – Here’s Why

PumpSpy Smart Outlet

PumpSpy sends you detailed alerts so you can react before flooding can occur!

“Thanks to PumpSpy, I no longer have to trudge down into the basement to make sure that the pump is actually functioning.” – Peter

PumpSpy – Proactive Flood Prevention

smart sump pumpMost homeowners discover that their sump pump has a problem when the basement has already flooded. At that time, it’s too late to prevent damage.

PumpSpy alerts homeowners about sump pump troubles before flooding arises. With PumpSpy, your sump pump connects to computer systems that watch over your system automatically, 24/7.

The PumpSpy Wi-fi Sump Pump Smart Outlet works together with your existing sump pump and house Wi-Fi network.

PumpSpy 24/7 Remote Monitoring

PumpSpy computers constantly collect and analyze incoming data from your own sump pumps, looking for potential concerns. When an issue is detected, PumpSpy automatically transmits alerts on your smartphone, tablet or computer, letting you do something before flooding can occur!

PumpSpy Smart Outlet

PumpSpy sends you detailed alerts so you can react before flooding can occur!

And if you have a backup pump set up, PumpSpy will automatically activate the battery back-up pump in the event of a main sump pump problem or electricity outage.

When you’re equipped with real-time knowledge, you can react quickly, get help if possible, and minimize the effects – even if you’re out of town.

Read More: 3 Vital Rules About Your Sump Pump – Follow Them to Avoid Costly Water Damage

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Multi-Stage Operation

smart sump pumpPumpSpy identifies various categories of sump pump difficulties. It can let you know whether the pump has simply lost power (if that’s the case, go and take a look at your circuit breaker), or if it’s powered however, not running (the pump itself is destroyed). It can even inform you if the pump is working however, not removing water fast enough.

PumpSpy sends quick alerts on your phones along with other devices when a problem is detected.

The PumpSpy Solution

PumpSpy uses proprietary, technology to remotely observe your sump pump 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Simply down load the PumpSpy app (iOS and Android), connect the Smart Outlet to your Wi-Fi system and plug in your sump pump.

PumpSpy’s computer systems will automatically track incoming data from the pump and check that the pump is working correctly. If any concerns are detected, PumpSpy supplies you with detailed alerts promptly via push notifications, text or email. With this information, you can react before flooding can occur!

PumpSpy Smart Outlet

PumpSpy sends you detailed alerts so you can react before flooding can occur!

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PumpSpy Smart Outlet

PumpSpy sends you detailed alerts so you can react before flooding can occur!

Think your Sump Pump Pit is Fail-Proof? Think Again

Think your Sump Pump Pit is Fail-Proof?

Think Again

Jerry’s Plumbing & Heating

2 April 2018

When you installed your sump pump system, you considered what size and type of sump pump you needed. You installed to right kind of backup. You even got a check valve mounted on the discharge pipe.

You might think you’re all done, right? Well, there’s just one more thing to think about.

In order for your well-designed sump pump system to work correctly, your sump pump pit has to be designed right.

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If your sump pump pit was installed after your house was built, you need to make sure it sealed properly so groundwater doesn’t leak into the pit. Remember, the sump pump pit should collect water that leaks into the basement. It shouldn’t be the source of the leaks!

“A professional can properly install the correct-sized pit.”

Sump Pump Pit Size

Your sump pump pit should be large enough to collect a sufficient amount of water before triggering the sump pump to turn on and begin discharging water. If it’s too small, your sump pump will cycle too often, shortening its useful life.

sump pump pit

Also, if it’s too small and tight, the float mechanism can be jammed. If it’s jammed on, the sump pump motor will burn-out and you’ll need to buy a new pump. If it’s jammed off, no water will be discharged resulting in a flooded basement.

A professional can properly install the correct-sized pit.

sump pump pit debris

Sump Pump Pit Debris

But even a correctly sized sump pump pit can collect debris that can clog your sump pump. You have to periodically clean out the pit to insure that accumulated debris doesn’t interfere with the proper operation of your sump pump.

It can be tricky to remove the pump and backup, though, or order to thoroughly clean the pit. A professional can handle this job efficiently and insure that your sump pump system works when it’s needed most.

Upgrade Your Sump Pump System

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backup sump pump
Backup Sump Pump
You Need a Backup Sump Pump – Here’s Why
sump pump check valve
Check Valve
Did You Forget This Important Piece Of Your Dry Basement Solution?
sump pump
Sump Pump
3 Vital Rules About Your Sump Pump

A Check Valve – Did You Forget This Important Piece Of Your Dry Basement Solution?

Did You Forget This Important Piece Of Your Dry Basement Solution?

Check Valve

Jerry’s Plumbing & Heating

2 April 2018

As a smart homeowner, you know that almost every home will eventually get water in the basement.

So you invested in a sump pump. And you did your research and also decided to install a backup system in case of an emergency power outage.

You’re all set to endure the next heavy rainstorm, right? Well, not quite.

If you forgot this one important piece of your dry basement solution, you could see all the money you’ve spent in sump pumps and backups sink under the rising water that will collect in your basement.

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You see, most people forget to install a check valve in their sump pump discharge pipe. What’s a check valve? It’s a small, inexpensive but vital part of your sump pump system. It keeps the water your sump pump already pumped out from returning to your basement.

“A check valve insures to water only flows in one direction – out not back in.”

Without a check valve, all the water that’s in the discharge pipe will just flow right back down to your sump pit the second your sump pump shuts off. And remember, the water in that pipe is under pressure, so it acts like a siphon literally sucking all the water that was just pumped out right back into your basement!

A check valve keeps water going out not back in

A check valve insures to water only flows in one direction – out not back in.

A check valve is cheap insurance, keeping your sump pump from pumping same water over and over. Without a check valve your sump pump will eventually become overwhelmed and fail.

Install a check valve
Install a check valve
Install a check valve
Install a check valve
Install a check valve

You were smart enough to invest in a sump pump and backup. Why not finish the job completely by installing a check valve? It’s the smart way to go!

Upgrade Your Sump Pump System

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backup sump pump

Backup Sump Pump

You Need a Backup Sump Pump – Here’s Why

sump pump

Sump Pump

3 Vital Rules About Your Sump Pump

sump pump pit

Sump Pump Pit

Think your Sump Pump Pit is Fail-Proof? Think Again

You Need a Backup Sump Pump – Here’s Why

You Need a Backup Sump Pump

Here’s Why

Jerry’s Plumbing & Heating

2 April 2018

Your basement leaks and collects water when it rains so you already have a sump pump. At least you should have one. A sump pump is cheaper than repairing water damage.

But have you really considered when a sump pump operates? It’s usually during a rain storm that often includes wind and lightning. And what often happens with wind and lightning? Right – the power goes out. Often for an extended period of time.

What good is your electric sump pump then?

Your primary sump pump is not enough. To be completely safe, your need a backup sump pump.

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Battery-Powered Backup Sump Pump

There are two kinds of backup sump pumps. A battery-powered backup pump relies on a deep-cycle 12 or 24 volt battery for power and so is ready to go even when the main electricity fails. As long as you keep the battery connected to a trickle charger, it’ll be good to go, even after long periods of non-use.

Here’s more information about how to pick the perfect battery backup sump pump.

The problem with a battery backup sump pump is that, if the electricity is off for more than a day or two, the battery will eventually die.

The problem with a battery backup sump pump is that, if the electricity is off for more than a day or two, the battery will eventually die.

Water-Powered Sump Pump

That’s when the second kind of backup sump pump can come to the rescue. A water-powered sump pump uses the pressure from the public fresh water system to remove water from your basement.

(Note: If you have use well water, you’re only backup choice is battery backup.)

Unless a storm is so severe that the public fresh water system fails (and if that happens, you’ve got bigger problems than a wet basement), a water-powered sump pump will keep your basement dry until the power comes back on.

Backup Sump Pump - Two Kinds
Battery-Powered Backup Sump Pump

Battery-Powered Backup Pump

Water-Powered Backup Sump Pump

Water-Powered Backup Pump

It makes sense to consider one of these backup sump pumps, depending of your particular situation.

A professional can help you get the right backup to fit your needs.

Upgrade Your Sump Pump System

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Sump Pump

3 Vital Rules About Your Sump Pump

sump pump check valve

Check Valve

Did You Forget This Important Piece Of Your Dry Basement Solution?

sump pump pit

Sump Pump Pit

Think your Sump Pump Pit is Fail-Proof? Think Again

3 Vital Rules About Your Sump Pump – Follow Them to Avoid Costly Water Damage

3 Vital Rules About Your Sump Pump

Follow Them to Avoid Costly Water Damage

Jerry’s Plumbing & Heating

2 April 2018

If water collects in your basement every time it rains, you probably already have a sump pump. But did you know that most homes – unless you have a newer home in a dry climate – will eventually get water in the basement?

Don’t put off the inevitable. A sump pump is cheap insurance against costly water damage that will happen sooner or later.

The pump waits quietly in your basement. Then, when it rains and water collects in the sump pit, it automatically pumps that water outdoors.

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But there are 3 vital rules you need to know about your sump pump. If you neglect them, it could end up being very costly.

Sump Pump Size Matters

First, size matters. And by size I mean power. Depending on the size of your house, the depth of your basement and how far you may need to pump the rain water, you’ll need either a ⅓, ½ or ¾ horsepower pump.

For example, if your discharge configuration consists of a 7’ – 10’ vertical lift off the sump pump, a 90 degree elbow and a horizontal pipe run of anywhere between 3 and 25 feet, a ⅓ horsepower pump will most likely be sufficient for your needs.

“Determining the right size pump can be tricky. It’s best left to a professional.”

Maybe you’re thinking, “Why not just get the biggest pump I can find?” First, a “too big” sump pump can discharge water too fast resulting in frequent cycling which causes early motor failure. Plus buying more pump than you need is just a waste of money.

Determining the right size pump can be tricky. It’s best left to a professional.

Determining Sump Pump Size is Tricky

Sump Pump Core

Next, make sure your sump pump motor core is made of cast iron. Some cheap pumps have plastic cores. But these pumps often fail early because they don’t disperse heat as easily as cast iron.

Sump Pump Debris Screen

Finally, be sure to get a sump pump with a built-in intake screen. This prevents any debris that collects in the sump pit from getting into the impeller and damaging the pump.

Sump Pump
Pump Size

Get the Right Sized Pump

Pump Core - Cast Iron

Get a Cast Iron Core Pump

Pump Debris Screen

Get Pump with a Debris Screen

If you consider these 3 vital things you need to know about your sump pump, you’ll be on your way to a dry basement. But don’t wait too long. Spring rains will be here soon.

Here’s more information about how to pick the perfect sump pump.

Upgrade Your Sump Pump System

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11822 Pika Drive
Waldorf, MD 20602

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backup sump pump

Backup Sump Pump

You Need a Backup Sump Pump – Here’s Why

sump pump check valve

Check Valve

Did You Forget This Important Piece Of Your Dry Basement Solution?

sump pump pit

Sump Pump Pit

Think your Sump Pump Pit is Fail-Proof? Think Again

4 Main Parts of Your Sump Pump System

4 Main Parts of Your Sump Pump System

How to Avoid Costly Flooding Damage

4 Main Parts of Your Sump Pump System

Jerry’s Plumbing & Heating

30 March 2018

Have you noticed Spring rains are heavier than they used to be? More water can mean more water damage if you’re not prepared. Don’t allow heavy rain to ruin your basement, spoil your Spring getaway and cost you 1000s of dollars in repair bills. We’ll show you how upgrading your sump pump system can save you money and headaches.
Your first line of defense against water damage is a well-designed sump pump system. That system consists of four main parts: the sump pump, the backup pump, a check valve and a sump pit. If you’re wondering whether you have – or need – all four parts, keep reading.

There are only two kinds of basements: Those that are wet, and those that are going to be wet. The question isn’t “if” you’re going to have water in your basement, but “when.”

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Sump Pump Pit

Your sump pump pit, if designed properly, collects all the excess water surrounding your house that makes its way into your basement. The first thing you have to do is make sure rainwater runs away from your foundation using proper downspouts and drain pipes.

sump-pump-pitBut during heavy rains, especially if you have a high water table in your area, some water will leak into your basement.

Remember, since water will get into your basement, you want it to collect in the sump pit and not in the carpet, furniture or whatever else you keep down there. Make sure your sump pit is clean and free of debris.

It’s also worth noting that most homeowners’ insurance doesn’t cover flood damage. Invest in some “insurance” in the form of a sump pump system that can virtually eliminate water damage in your basement.

The US Department of Housing and Development estimates the average life expectancy of a sump pump at ten years.

Sump Pump

When the water level gets to a certain level in the sump pit, your sump pump springs into action, and pumps the water out away from your house, keeping your basement dry!

sump-pumpBut since a sump pump is just a machine, it can fail if not properly maintained or if it has reached the end of its useful life. The US Department of Housing and Development estimates the average life expectancy of a sump pump at ten years. It may be time to replace that old sump pump.

Check Valve

Most people neglect the third part of sump pump system – the check valve. A check valve allows water in the drain pipe to flow in only one direction. Check-ValveIt keeps the water being pumped out of your basement from flowing right back in through that same drain pipe.

An old, dirty, clogged or worn out check valve can fail and cause 100s or 1000s of dollars in damage. Just install or replace it.

Battery-Powered Backup Sump Pump

Battery-Powered Backup Pump

Water-Powered Backup Sump Pump

Water-Powered Backup Pump

Sump Pump Backup

Usually, when your sump pump needs to be running is during heavy rainfalls. Often that rainfall is accompanied by other weather phenomenon, namely lightning and wind. Lightning and wind can knock out power and when that power is running your sump pump, well, you can guess what happens. Basement Flooding! AND COSTLY DAMAGE!

How can you avoid this? Always have a backup pump. But battery backups often fail because the batteries are dead from being old or because the power has been out so long the batteries die.

The best kind of backup sump pump is water-powered. If you have a reliable water source this backup sump pump will keep your basement from flooding.

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Don’t Put Off the Inevitable

Finally, know this truth. There is no such thing as a basement that won’t get wet! Even in the best sealed basements, water will get in through minor seepage, but EVERY basement will get water.

Don’t spend all your time and money trying to put off the inevitable. Arrange your basement so that when the water does come in, it will do little or no damage. Don’t put anything that you don’t want to get wet in your basement. When you store stuff, put it up on shelves, NOT on the floor.

We have been flooded (no pun intended) with phone calls from many people looking for advice on how to handle their wet basement problems.

The answer is a good sump pump system. You need a clean sump pit, a new or at least well-maintained sump pump, a water-powered backup pump, and a new or clean check valve.

sump pump
Sump Pump
3 Vital Rules About Your Sump Pump
sump pump check valve
Check Valve
Did You Forget This Important Piece Of Your Dry Basement Solution?
sump pump pit
Sump Pump Pit
Think your Sump Pump Pit is Fail-Proof? Think Again

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