News & Resources
Plumbing & DIY Resources
At Jerry’s Plumbing, we want to provide you, our valued customer, with all the information and insights you want and need to maintain a safe and secure home for you and your family – even if that means we don’t provide the service we’re explaining in this post.
Here you will find information, tips and tricks-of-the-trade to help you get answers to your plumbing questions so that you can make informed decisions when it comes time to make plumbing upgrades or repairs.
At Jerry’s Plumbing, we are here to serve you.

Kill Viruses in the Home with a Germicidal UV Air Treatment System
You can easily improve the air quality you and your family breathe and kill viruses in the home with a Germicidal UV Air Treatment System.
Smart Sump Pump
Your smart sump pump could be a life-saver when the water level rises, sending detailed alerts to your smartphone so you can react before flooding occurs.
Why is My Water Bill So High
If you’re like most people, you don’t like losing money. So it’s not surprising that you find yourself saying, “Why is my water bill so high?”