Air Conditioner Repair and Replacement
So much has changed in air conditioning repair and replacement in recent years.
If your air conditioning system has almost any significant breakdown, or if you feel it just isn’t cooling your entire home as you feel it should, it may be worth replacing it instead of repairing it. And, the really ‘cool’ thing is (no pun intended), you will likely see a reduction in your monthly electric bill along with the pleasure you’ll experience in a cooler home!
For example, as of 2010, manufacturers must use a new kind of refrigerant that’s not an ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbon. And a new system can use less than half the electricity of your old one while doing a far better job of keeping you cool and comfortable.
If your air conditioner is more than eight years old, repair is probably not worth the expense, unless it’s a simple problem like debris clogging the condenser unit or a worn fan belt. Still, to best weigh your repair-or-replace decision, our technicians will assess not just the condition of your existing equipment, but also the ducts that deliver the cool air and the overall quality of the insulation in your house. Improving those elements might increase the effectiveness of the system as much or more than installing new machinery.
Assess the efficiency of your current air conditioning system
Even if your central air conditioner is just eight to 10 years old, it could use up to twice the electricity that even a low-end new one would use. That’s because it operates at or below 10 SEER, or Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio, which is the amount of energy needed to provide a specific cooling output.
Until 2006, 10 SEER was standard, but these days, the minimum allowed by federal law is 13 SEER. That translates to 30% less electrical consumption and 30% lower cooling bills than equipment installed just a few years ago.
For a roughly 1,800 square foot house, a new 13 SEER unit will cost $4.500 to $6.500. You can double your energy savings by jumping up to 15 SEER, and 15 seer system may qualify for a Department of Energy tax credit. And would cost between $5,000 – $7,000 depending on tonnage and access ability. Our technicians will explain this all to you. Call us for a free evaluation of you air conditioning system today.