Summer is winding down. However, we can still expect some hot days. The continued heat means you’re bathing more, watering plants, watering the grass, washing your cars and making lots of cold beverages.
The purpose of this article is to provide some easy ideas to help you reduce your water bill by following these simple tips, as we move forward to the Fall and Winter months.
Check all your faucets for leaks. A month of drips can add up to anywhere from 200-250 gallons of waste water. Also, be sure to check your toilet.
The Environmental Protection Agency suggests putting a few drops of food coloring in the tank and waiting 15 minutes before flushing. If any food coloring appears in the bowl before flushing, you have a leak.
If you decide to buy a new toilet, look for one with the EPA WaterSense label. They use at least 20% less water than a standard toilet. This could save a family of four hundreds of dollars per year in reduced water utility bills.
The EPA reports showering saves significant amounts of water. A bath tub can use 30 gallons or more, depending on the water depth. If you DO soak in the tub, use the bath water on your plants.
Try to limit your showers to 5 minutes or less. Also, consider a water-efficient showerhead to reduce your water bill even more.
3. Go Easy on the Dishwasher to Save Money
Run the dishwasher only when it’s fully loaded and use the economy setting. Newer models run on different cycles, so check your manufacturer’s recommendations for the most efficient setting.
Also, scrape dishes rather than rinsing them before placing them in the dishwasher.
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Air Conditioning Needs (240) 530-0458
The EPA estimates that more than 50 percent of landscape water is lost due to evaporation, wind, or over-watering.
4. Garbage Disposals can Mean Money Down the Drain
Garbage Disposals can use as much as 4 gallons of water per minute! Consider disposing of food waste by composting or by wrapping it and placing it in the trash.
5. Conserve on Outdoor Water Use
It’s okay to let the soil dry out between waterings. Water your vegetables and annuals as soon as they start to wilt. Perennials are tougher and only need water when they get droopy.
Water during the cooler parts of the day to reduce evaporation. The EPA estimates that more than 50 percent of landscape water is lost due to evaporation, wind, or overwatering. If you water during the hot and humid part of day, as much as 30 percent of the water will be lost to evaporation alone.
Make sure your sprinkler is only watering plants and grass, not your sidewalk. Check hoses for leaks, and collect rainwater in barrels to water plants. The EPA suggests using soaker hoses because they use less water than sprinklers.
Another great idea is to use that water you might have sitting in the kids’ swimming pools. This is the water that you may have accumulated via rain, not the filtered chlorinated water associated with built in swimming pools.
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Air Conditioning Needs (240) 530-0458
In summary, using these simple tips will help you reduce your water bill. And, keep your eyes posted for other simple techniques.
I saw a commercial on television that was both funny and informative. During a nice rainfall, a very intuitive family was using this as an opportunity to wash their cars. So, look for other ways to use this free water to help you save on your water bills.
As always, give us a call if you need help with any leaks you might have around your house or if you need any toilets replaced. We always recommend that when you call us, have one of our technicians fix as many little problems that you may have on one service call. This will also save you money!
The purpose of this article is to briefly describe just some of the benefits, health comforts and security a whole house water filter might provide you and your family.
Water is the most frequently used liquid across the globe. We drink it, wash and clean with it and even bathe our bodies. For all these activities, we require clean, safe water. But in an increasingly polluted world, responsible families are looking for ways to have access to really clean, safe water. Is this possible? Yes, it is and the answer is a whole house water filter system.
The need for a water filter and how it works.
The water we use comes from various sources. However, these sources are not as hygienic or user friendly as they appear. There are different types of contaminants – from minerals in nature to man made chemicals. Chlorine is most often used to neutralize toxins in tap water. But exposure to chlorine over the long term can cause health issues in humans.
Factors to consider before choosing a whole house water filter:
Safe guarding the health of your family is paramount for most people. For this reason, there are a variety of whole house water filters to meet your specific needs. Before arriving at your preferred water filter choice, the following should be considered:
• Types of contaminants in the water. This will determine the type of filter to be used. Different contaminants require specific filters to effectively combat the adverse effects.
• The amount of water to be purified. Large scale water purification require a different type of filter system as opposed to small scale purification.
Types of whole house water filters:
There are two main types of whole house water filters:
• Heavy duty filtration system.
This is a water system intended for large scale purification. The filter media is placed in a 50 meter tall tank that supplies water to the rest of the house. The system works effectively for 5-10 years after which replacement of the filter media is required.
• Standard capacity water cartridges
This is a smaller, more affordable water purification system. In this system, the filter cartridge is placed in the main water system to purify the water before it is dispatched to the rest of the house. Though cheaper, this system requires more maintenance.
Benefits of using a whole house water filter:
• The main benefit of a whole house water filter is that it keeps you safe wherever you come into contact with water in your house. This combines convenience and safety and is the way to go for health conscious consumers.
• Many people notice that chlorine filtered water produces softer and smoother skin and hair.
• Using a whole house water filtration system also increases the lifespan of electrical appliances that use water.
A good effective whole house water filter is the most convenient and comprehensive way to attain clean and safe water for your household. Ensure you frequently maintain your purification system for effective results.
If you feel that a whole house water filtration system can benefit your family, we recommend you do your due diligence and research. Here’s an article we highly recommend to get you started published on titled: 10 Benefits of Using a Whole House Water Filter. If you have questions, we can offer assistance. Just call our office and speak to our staff. They are willing and able to help you make the right decision to meet your particular needs.
This article is on Air Conditioning Preventive Maintenance. Is it important to you? If saving money on your energy bills and avoiding high cost maintenance bills is important to you, this is a must read!
Most homeowners do not pay much attention to their Air Conditioning system until something breaks. Grant it, modern air conditioning units are quite dependable and last for years, but that doesn’t mean you should simply ignore your system. If you’ve never given your air conditioning system a checkup, or haven’t done so recently, now’s the perfect time.
Did you know that spending a little money on an annual air conditioning checkup can help you save serious dollars over the long run? For example, if you have a small refrigerant leak repaired, it usually won’t cost too much to fix. On the other hand, if you let the leak run, you could burn out your compressor, which could cost more than $1,000 to replace, plus the freon refrigerant! Grant it, at this time of year you and I have a huge natural energy break.
We are finally free of those high winter energy bills. We can now open our windows, breath the fresh air and get some relief on those huge, unforgivable and unforgettable bills. Hopefully, this relief will last for a while. But, summer is coming. We can’t control that. On the other hand, here is something we can control; air conditioning preventive maintenance. Now is the time to prepare, posture and work to keep those summer bills as low as we can. And, that is something you can control. …, here is something else to consider. We see it all the time. We get calls in mid to late August from customers whose air conditioning systems completely broke down and can’t be fixed. Thier air conditioning system is virtually ‘totalled.’ Our technicians identify components that could have been maintained, but were completely ignored. It’s like having a car that was never taken care of or maintained. Simple maintenance procedures which should have been performed and that would have allowed our customers to avoid replacing their entire system.
Here is what Energy Star recommends on how to maintain your equipment to prevent future problems and unwanted costs. Keep your cooling and heating system at peak performance by having a contractor do annual pre-season check-ups. Contractors get busy once the summer and winter seasons arrive, so it’s best to have them check your cooling system in the spring and your heating system in the fall. To remember, you might plan the check-ups around the time changes in the spring and fall. Watch this short Angie’s List video on 5 Things to Know About Air Conditioning Preventive Maintenance.
Let’s take this a step further and use a simple comparison to some preventive maintenance you already do with your other valuable personal property. How do you treat you cars? Do you provide preventive maintenance on your cars? Sure you do! You have the oil changed every 3-5,000 miles! And, if you’re like me, you have all the critical components checked… like you engine belt and transmission and other critical fluid levels. Why do you do this? That’s simple easy… you do it to preserve your cars and to avoid future, very costly maintenance. So, why not do this for your Air Conditioning System?
Ensure that you have a comfortable home to return to this summer. June is not the time to discover your Air Conditioning system is having problems. If a stitch in time saves nine, showing your air conditioning just a little love could save you thousands of repair dollars when you need cooling the most. To help keep you cool this summer, it’s a great idea to service your air conditioner now. A properly maintained air conditioning system operating in an efficient manner can help you save on those always unwelcome electric utility bills and even higher maintenance bills.
Jerry’s Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning is here to help! We are offering 10-Point Maintenance inspection at a discounted price! With Jerry’s Plumbing, you don’t have to worry about inviting us into your home. Our technicians are fully licensed, trained and have undergone a full background check. Please read our testimonials. And, we are a top service provider in Southern Maryland. See us on Angie’s List. And for more tips on reducing your plumbing costs, see our article on reducing plumbing costs.
You no doubt hear people talking about green energy technology, but you may not be sure what they’re talking about or exactly how it applies to the typical homeowner.
The purpose of this article is to explain some general concepts about green energy. In other words, this article will clarify and describe the big picture, then break it down and show you how it applies to each and every homeowner that wants to apply some great ideas to save money on their energy bills.
…an umbrella term used to describe any sort of alternative energy that is produced with less negative impact on the environment than ‘non-green’ energy sources such as fossil fuels.
And, there are any number of growing companies involved in the green energy industry. They produce new technologies like solar panels, windmills and hydro based power plants. Many consider nuclear energy a green energy technology. Obviously, we aren’t going to be buying any nuclear powered dishwashers and hot water heaters; at least in the foreseeable future. So, here are some great ideas for you to use to Go Green and save money…
Green Energy Technology in your home: Tax Savings on New Appliances
The government has grants available to those who are willing to invest in alternative renewable energies, or green energies. Speak with the government in your area about these programs. Some areas provide rebates for green energy product installation, or provide tax relief as an incentive. And, over time you can save a lot of money on your energy bills.
For example, the State of Maryland in conjunction with Energy Star is working to bring the benefits of energy efficiency and lower utility bills to Maryland residents. See this article on Maryland’s Energy Administration’s Website for some great ideas: ENERGY STAR, the Maryland Energy Administration, and You.
Green Energy Technology in your home: Simple Solutions for Going Green
Wait until your dishwasher is full before running it if you want to save energy. Don’t run it when there are only a few dishes there. You may be quite surprised at the number of dishes your dishwasher can handle in one load. Set up the plates so that you fill it up as much as possible.
Don’t run the dishwasher unless it is filled to capacity. The energy used is the same whether you are washing a small load of dishes, or one that is larger. When running the dishwasher, ensure that you are using the energy-saving option, which allows the air-drying of your dishes.
Replace your water heater and get a tankless model. Tankless water heaters do require energy for operation, but since they heat water on demand, power is not wasted by keeping a full tank hot 24/7. You can purchase tankless heaters that supply the whole house, or ones that supply just one faucet.
If you would like to live your life green, stay away from excess electric heater usage. Instead, start wearing warmer clothing indoors and use a pellet stove or fireplace to keep main living areas heated. Cool air helps sleeping patterns, as well as improving breathing.
Unless cold temperatures become a real problem, it is better to keep the heat turned down. If it is a little chilly, simply put on a sweatshirt, and pair of sweatpants. If you turn the heat up to 75 degrees, you are using a ton of unnecessary energy.
For more great Residential Energy Saving Tips… see Residential Energy Saving Tips … Learn 15 Things that will Empower You to Save Money.
In Summary, the tips presented will help the planet and save you money at the same time.
If you want to “go green” and do your part to help save the environment, you have a lot of options. Many of these options will not cost you money, but will also save you money, like cleaning your furnace filter monthly and turning down your thermostat when you are leaving your home. Lowering the temperature of your water heater can save energy as well. Little things like this add up!
After learning more about green energy technology, you are probably eager to get started using it. Make use of the advice you have here to get started with green energy right away. This technology will have a positive impact of the environment and your pocketbook. Stay tuned for more articles, but if you want some simple solutions to get you started, just call our office for more information.
Here are some great tips on reducing plumbing costs.
In today’s world, we have all learned to become smart shoppers. Rising food, energy and gas prices have all taken their toll on disposable spending and savings. The same should apply to home services, such as plumbing.
The purpose of this article is provide you some preventive maintenance tips to reduce your exposure to plumbing repair costs, and to provide you advice on how to reduce costs when you do need to call in the professionals.
If you are a do-it-yourself person, your plumbing experiences will go much smoother if you know your tools, and have the knowledge on how to use them. Use as many resources as you can, such as online resources or you public library, to find the right information to help you repair your plumbing issues. YouTube is a fantastic resource if you choose to do your own work.
Just a word of caution; do not just blindly rush into a project. Plan each project so that you don’t make costly mistakes.
Here are some common preventive maintenance ideas:
1. Pipe Freeze Advice. If your water pipe freezes, switch on the nearest faucet tap to that pipe so that water can exit when the pipe thaws. This provides pressure relief, and might spare you the damage of a burst pipe. Avoid busted pipes!
2. Low Toilet Water Solution. If the water in your toilet is low along with the toilet being clogged, pour some extra water in the bowl to make the plunger effective again. Repeat this once your water goes back to a lower level.
3. Garbage Disposal Tip. Never put your hands in your garbage disposal to fix a problem. Even if the disposal is turned off, it can still be hazardous. Use the web to locate a diagram or pull out the user’s manual for your device. Plus, do not forget that you have a reset button on your garbage disposal.
4. Prevent Clogged Drains. Place a strainer on top of every drain to collect all debris that has the ability to clog your drains. Your kitchen sink strainer must be cleaned whenever it catches anything. Kitchen filters should be changed often, while bathtub filters can be changed as needed.Find out more about
5. Well Water Softening Idea. If your home runs on well water and you notice any orange or pink stains in your fixtures or tub, this is because of iron in your water. A water softener can filter out unnecessary minerals, and leave you with clean, usable water.
6. Bathtub Drain Preventive Maintenance. A great maintenance routine for bathtub drains is to pour baking soda and vinegar into the drain opening once a month. Afterward, place a washcloth or towel over the top of the drain, to keep the chemical reactions contained. Flush it with boiling water after a few minutes. By following this tip, you should be able to clear all the soap scum, hair, and other grime out of your pipes. It’s not a matter if your drains will get clogged, it’s a matter of when. This will reduce you clogs.
7. Garbage Disposal Maintenance. If you run your garbage disposal after working in the kitchen, use a large quantity of cold water. Blades will stay sharper with cold water, making disposal quicker. If you use hot water instead of cold, this will turn any fat into liquid and cause the fat to clog your pipes when it later cools and solidifies. Consider bacon grease or any fried food grease a threat.
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Air Conditioning Needs (240) 530-0458
If you know you need the help of a professional plumber, its more advantageous to you to have them take care of as many problems as you can afford in one visit.
These preventive maintenance tips will help you reduce your plumbing costs, but there will be a time that you need to call in the professionals. Here are some great tips to help you reduce your expenses when you do.
Schedule your plumbing work simultaneously. In other words, if you know you need the help of a professional plumber, its more advantageous to you to have them take care of as many problems as you can afford in one visit. Our natural inclination is to handle problems as they arise.
That’s not smart shopping. Think about it. You know that if you drive 5 miles everyday to buy groceries, you are wasting money and time. So, you create a shopping list and get it all done in one visit to your grocery store.
This is smart shopping. You save money by getting things done in one trip. This is a practice that you’re used to. So, all you need to do is apply this same shopping principle to your home plumbing needs.
Even if you only have one noticeable problem, you can still get a plumber to inspect other areas. You will also save because plumbers usually charge hourly rates, so hourly charges are reduced if there is only one trip made.
Call Us for All your Plumbing, Heating and
Air Conditioning Needs (240) 530-0458
Keep in mind that a plumbing company has expenses. Time, distance and fuel all factor into their billing. If you can save your plumbing contractor money, this savings is passed back to you. Knocking out several problems also saves you time and other expensed you might not always consider.
Do you have lost hours from work? Do you have additional fuel expenses driving to work, then driving home to meet your plumber, then driving back to work? Are you missing critical appointments that might generate income? A smart shopper will consider all these issues.
As much of a bother as plumbing issues can be, there are many methods to use to reduce costs. You just need do some simple preventive maintenance and know when to call in some professional help. And, when you do hire the pros, use your plumbing contractor wisely.
Keep these tips handy to save time, money and effort. They will help you reduce your plumbing costs.
Call Us for All your Plumbing, Heating and
Air Conditioning Needs (240) 530-0458