5 Tips To Reduce Your
Water Bill
Summer is winding down. However, we can still expect some hot days. The continued heat means you’re bathing more, watering plants, watering the grass, washing your cars and making lots of cold beverages.
To learn more, read our article
Read More: Why is My Water Bill So High
1. Reduce Your Water Bill by Stopping Leaks
Check all your faucets for leaks. A month of drips can add up to anywhere from 200-250 gallons of waste water. Also, be sure to check your toilet.
The Environmental Protection Agency suggests putting a few drops of food coloring in the tank and waiting 15 minutes before flushing. If any food coloring appears in the bowl before flushing, you have a leak.
If you decide to buy a new toilet, look for one with the EPA WaterSense label. They use at least 20% less water than a standard toilet. This could save a family of four hundreds of dollars per year in reduced water utility bills.
Learn more about WaterSense HETs.
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Read More: Backflow Protection Means Safe Water
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2. Shower to Help Reduce Your Water Bill
The EPA reports showering saves significant amounts of water. A bath tub can use 30 gallons or more, depending on the water depth. If you DO soak in the tub, use the bath water on your plants.
Try to limit your showers to 5 minutes or less. Also, consider a water-efficient showerhead to reduce your water bill even more.
3. Go Easy on the Dishwasher to Save Money
Run the dishwasher only when it’s fully loaded and use the economy setting. Newer models run on different cycles, so check your manufacturer’s recommendations for the most efficient setting.
Also, scrape dishes rather than rinsing them before placing them in the dishwasher.
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Read More: Reducing Plumbing Costs
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The EPA estimates that more than 50 percent of landscape water is lost due to evaporation, wind, or over-watering.
4. Garbage Disposals can Mean Money Down the Drain
Garbage Disposals can use as much as 4 gallons of water per minute! Consider disposing of food waste by composting or by wrapping it and placing it in the trash.
5. Conserve on Outdoor Water Use
It’s okay to let the soil dry out between waterings. Water your vegetables and annuals as soon as they start to wilt. Perennials are tougher and only need water when they get droopy.
Water during the cooler parts of the day to reduce evaporation. The EPA estimates that more than 50 percent of landscape water is lost due to evaporation, wind, or overwatering. If you water during the hot and humid part of day, as much as 30 percent of the water will be lost to evaporation alone.
Make sure your sprinkler is only watering plants and grass, not your sidewalk. Check hoses for leaks, and collect rainwater in barrels to water plants. The EPA suggests using soaker hoses because they use less water than sprinklers.
Another great idea is to use that water you might have sitting in the kids’ swimming pools. This is the water that you may have accumulated via rain, not the filtered chlorinated water associated with built in swimming pools.
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In summary, using these simple tips will help you reduce your water bill. And, keep your eyes posted for other simple techniques.
I saw a commercial on television that was both funny and informative. During a nice rainfall, a very intuitive family was using this as an opportunity to wash their cars. So, look for other ways to use this free water to help you save on your water bills.
As always, give us a call if you need help with any leaks you might have around your house or if you need any toilets replaced. We always recommend that when you call us, have one of our technicians fix as many little problems that you may have on one service call. This will also save you money!
Source: American Home Shield Article, Energy Tip: 5 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Water Bill
For more great tips on water usage and conservation, please see: Water Watch
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