Germicidal UV Air Treatment System

You can easily improve the air quality you and your family breathe and kill viruses in the home with a Germicidal UV Air Treatment System.

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You can easily improve the air quality you and your family breathe and kill viruses in the home with a Germicidal UV Air Treatment System.

Germicidal UV Air Treatment System
This is the same product used in hospitals

It works inside your existing heating and cooling system using 2 high-intensity
U V lights

Because UV light kills microbes, mold spores, bacteria and viruses, your family will be less prone to flu and colds.

Kills or sterilizes microbes, mold spores, bacteria and viruses

A Germicidal UV Air Treatment System
Can Save You Money, too

  • Germicidal UV Air Treatment Systems will not hurt occupants, fixtures or devices because they produce no ozone or secondary contaminants.
  • Germicidal UV Air Treatment Systems increase the value of all air conditioning and air-circulating systems by maximizing their efficiency and prolonging blower life.
  • Germicidal UV Air Treatment Systems can also pay for themselves by saving thousands of dollars in on-going servicing and energy charges.

Without a Germicidal UV Air Treatment System, coils require more frequent cleaning that often depends on dangerous and flammable solvents.

Improving indoor air quality and giving you cleaner, fresher air to breathe

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